Your Portal to Lean and Efficient Drilling Operation

Drilling Operation Optimization

Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques to achieve your target

With an ambitious target of harvesting the current uprising computational power, eWells OÜ is utilizing several advanced algorithms, Deep Learning tools, and cutting-edge hardware equipment to achieve your target of optimizing drilling operations.



Drilling Parameters Optimizer

DPOis state of the art Deep Learning Platform designed to optimize surface parameters during on-bottom drilling to maximize ROP and minimize drilling time. In addition, DPO is designed to deliver a hands-on experience to young Engineers for introducing Machine Learning, Data Science, and Operation Optimization concepts. 


DPO is available in two options: Regional DPO™ Model and Tailored-Made DPO Model. 

Tailor-Made Machine Learning Models

A fully Customizable ML Models for your Optimization Problem

Every optimization problem is unique in nature. Therefore, the best answer is acquired by addressing your data to design the best-fit model for a particular problem.


Unlike other commercial alternatives, provides a tailor-made service to your data science model development to ensure the best fit between your available data and your challenges.

Analytical Services

Operation Insights and AARs

eWells OÜ offers a group of analytical solutions and services to address your operation. Better and enhanced After Action Reviews (AARs) packed with data and designed to address your pre-defined KPIs.


Consulting & Training Services

Higley Qualified Team of Engineers & Data Scientists 

eWells OÜ delivers a wealthy group of experienced and qualified teams for both data science and engineering applications. 


Our experienced team delivers Data Sculpting, Mining, and Feature Engineering services to various energy producers worldwide. In addition, eWells OÜ has experience in database designing, cleaning, creation, and maintenance services for multiple clients within the same industry.


With several domain champions in our team, ensures the complete comprehension of the requirements of energy producers and their needs in data science applications.

Our Partners

Our current list of clients that continue to grow...


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eWells OÜ is a registered European (EU) Company in Tallinn. Registration number 16632989, Estonia (ee), with a global reach of operation.

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